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I always get the feeling there is a crazy monster in my stomach vying for my attention to always get me to put some food in my stomach. Sometimes even when we are satiated, the monster in there is one which is quite greedy and would relentlessly keep asking for more food. However, since we are more than just our appetite we can take decisions to reduce the power and influence of the monster over us and our decisions.
1. Understand why you overeat. Do you constantly snack when you’re stressed or watching TV? Know what actions that you do further make you want to binge and try to avoid or reduce those actions.

2. Drink more water.
 Just keep guzzling water in order to keep yourself full throughout the day.

3. Eat more regularly. Don’t eat like crazy until you are too full. Eat in moderation and try to eat 3-4 meals a day.

4. Get moving. More cardio and exercise can reduce your appetite.

5. Don’t skip breakfast. Having a hearty breakfast ensures that your metabolism is revved up and running to have a good day of fat burning.