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There are multitudes of reasons for a business to invest in digital marketing in this day and age. A few of those reasons include the following:

  • Most consumers, in general, are all online and tech-savvy
    • In this day and age customers are all online. On social media and surfing the web 24/7. So in order to get noticed by them, it’s always good to have an online presence and have a good content marketing strategy to push content out there till customers take heed of your company’s existence.
  • The reach that you can get is supercharged compared to traditional means
    • Handing out leaflets or putting up billboards might be good if you are a local-only based business. But why restrict your service only to the current vicinity. Depending on the type of services that are provided, there is a possibility to increase your customer base by being online. By having an up-to-date website and the proper social media presence, it might be possible to expand your audience leading to more leads and more sales.
  • It’s a means to reach out to your customers and have a better relationship with them
    • The whole disseminating information to a mass-audience only as customer relations is so 90s. Today, customers are more demanding and require at times to have a closer connection to the brand. As such using social media messaging via Facebook Messenger or Google My Business helps to answer customer enquiries in real-time without the stuffiness of writing up a whole email.
  • The point of search for most potential customers search from Google than any other sources
    • Whenever the customer is first looking for service providers who might be able to provide a solution for them, they all head to dear old reliable Google — the map to the highly congested yet spacious internet highway. For instance, a potential customer might be looking for a marketing agency to help market their business which operates in their current area. If your website is not included in the top page of Google touch luck being part of that customer’s shortlist. Thus, having a website and marketing it on Google is the equivalent of showing up…if you do not show up, well you lose the chance to have any money to be earned then.

As you can see there are many reasons to be online and using digital marketing to market your business. If you are not using the multitudes of mostly free utilities to market your business you are surely missing out.